Looking for some Dog Training in Halifax?? Look no further!
Testimonial of a boxer’s obedience training with a professional dog trainer from Unleashed Potential in Halifax.
A few months ago we were frustrated to our limit with our boxer, Odin. We could not understand why he was becoming overly dominant and aggressive towards other dogs, and in some instances people. Of course this problem is a very sensitive and dangerous issue. Taking him to a park to exercise was impossible as he was way too aggressive with any dog he saw. Taking him in the car was also a headache because he barked at everything. Since we have previously owned other dogs with little training problems, these issues came as a huge eye opener. Consideration was certainly given to putting him down. The problems were not just limited to aggressiveness, but he had many training issues such as pulling on the leash, excessive barking, and disobeying commands. We began looking into training options and chose to work with Unleashed Potential in Halifax. Since the first day of training with upk9, Odin’s behavior has greatly improved. We can now take him to the park and enjoy spending time with him and he no longer barks at things when he is in the car. Upk9’s training methods have changed the way we view and care for our dog. We highly recommend Unleashed Potential inHalifax, not just for aggression issues, but for the overall betterment of the life of you and your pet.
– Taber, Heather & Odin –
Halifax NS
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