1 Simple Trick to Calm the Overly Excited Dog and Get Attention Fast
Some dog trainers and dog owners believe that using food in dog training causes overexcitement, over-arousal, and creates a dog that is too pushy so they stop using the food or never begin with it. They don’t believe an overly excited, pushy dog can learn to calm and pay attention with food alone.
This is a false belief.
In this video, I’ll show you how easy it can be to get a pushy dog, who really wants the food that I have, to calm down, pay attention by giving me eye contact and think, in order to get the food.
It’s so easy it could be considered lazy dog training!
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- The overly excited pushy dogs need to learn to calm down to eat and the weak dog needs to become pushier to eat.
- Trainers and pet owners sometimes believe that food will make a dog too pushy and too jumpy.
- People say, stand still and the dog will stop jumping. They will eventually but why not use food and create a thinking dog?
- When a dog starts thinking, when they actually start using their brain, they stop the jumping and other unwanted behaviours.
- Pay attention and look in my eyes to get the food reward.
- Think of this: if the dog charges at the bush (being overly excited), there will be no rabbits (food) in that bush. When the dog figures out that if she looks into my eyes (calms down, and pays attention) it will make rabbits (food!) come from the bush and she eats.
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Full Transcript-
Overly Excited Dog? How to Calm Your Dog Down and Get Attention in Minutes
[The following is the full transcript of this YouTube video. Please note that this video, features Duke speaking extemporaneously–he is unscripted and unedited. Filmed in one take].
Hey there, it’s Duke Ferguson, the owner CEO and master trainer of Unleashed Potential K9 and creator of Dog Training Genesis.
In this video, I want to address the myth that too many trainers and too many pet owners tell me about and that is food making dogs too amped, too pushy, too crazy and they can’t train them because they’re too hungry. That’s further from the truth. So in this video, I want to show you an actual example of how you can get a dog to use his brain, and to calm down and think, in order to get the food while you don’t have to do anything. The dog is the one that’s actually putting out, trying, and you’re barely doing anything at all. It’s just that easy. Here’s a clip from my Monroe, Washington seminar and it shows exactly that. I hope you enjoy it! Before you start the video, be sure to subscribe to see future videos, just like this one.
I want to address the myth that too many trainers and too many pet owners tell me about and that is food making dogs too amped, too pushy, too crazy and they can’t train them because they’re too hungry. That’s further from the truth.
So the pushy dog, remember I said, I’ll get her all amped. The pushy dog needs to learn to calm down to eat, and the weak dog needs to put out to eat. So, let her push. I’m looking for anything. Notice the pushiness just kinda stopped. I don’t care what she does I’ll either go…If I’m looking for eye contact she jumps on this board, I’ll mark that. I’m just getting her brain to work. I’m talking to you guys. This is a dog doing reactive stuff, just what they know, what they can get away with. And she’ll learn to start using her brain and she’ll look into my eyes. I can sit on a chair. Do you want to see the look on her face? Just hang tight.
The overly excited, pushy dog needs to learn to calm down to eat, and the weak dog needs to put out to eat.
The dog’s a bit nervous. When they are really hungry, touch. okay. We will go this way to see. There’s the food, I want eye contact. When a dog starts thinking, when actually start using their brain, they stop all this sh** and they think, huh, charging the bush… there are no rabbits in that bush. Ah, See? Simple.
So in theory, people could say, stand still and the dog will stop jumping. They want you. They will eventually, but you’ll get all scratched to crap. If they want food, all they’re doing is licking and pushing on my hand. And I can discourage that pushiness, by taking it away. So, I can make it faster. So let’s say they’re really pushy when she goes to it, I pull away. You can play catch to build a little dopamine. So you can actually use your food as prey as well. Now I’m going to make it more distracting. She learns, to get distracted by this you starve! Sit down and think, how do I get that? She doesn’t understand, right, so I make it easy. So notice I pull away. See the brain working?
So you can actually use your food as prey as well.
Put your camera right on her face, the look, she’s like. Come see it, just her head, this dog her brain, you can smell the wheels turning in there and there’s smoke coming out of her ears, every so often, it’s great! Okay. I can do this, all day, and she’ll learn to stare in my eyes. . So fast, “Chip” And it happens faster, faster, faster See it? See the eyes? She’s thinking. You want a thinking dog. No GPS help. I’m not doing this: Look, look, oh good girl! Don’t do that. Don’t do that. That drives me crazy. So now, you’re not paying her, and that’s okay? because she’s looking at you. Right, because she’s putting out and I can talk to you and she’s still thinking. Now I’m talking to you guys and look at the dog. She’s putting out. Yeah. So I don’t need to do the cheerleading and it’s less effort. That’s called lazy dog training. Look, here’s the pouch man, holy cow! Look at her thinking. “Chip” Look in the guy’s eyes, make rabbits come from the bush and eat it. She learns. Hey, pretty quick. That’s an easy thing I know what to do. I’m already waving around. Notice how people are like “Don’t distract the dog.” “Don’t distract, In training, don’t distract my dog.”
I’m talking to you guys and look at the dog; she’s putting out. So I don’t need to do the cheerleading and it’s less effort
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