Dog Rescue in Nova Scotia
Hey everyone!
Today we have an interview with Guy and Kimberly Lapierre have opened up their own dog rescue organization called Dog-Karma here in Halifax. Their organization differs from others by having each dog go through a training program to aid in their behaviour problems before they are adopted out into their new homes. This lessens the risk of a dog being returned to them or being put into a shelter. They’ve had nothing but success so far, keep up the great work! This is before Guy became a upk9 trainer
To listen to Guy’s interview Click below!
You can check out Dog-Karma’s website here.
If you are struggling to get the best results on or off leash email us now. Have you tried other trainers with no success or are you currently working with another dog trainer and finding little progress, like Guy was, give us a call or Email right now and set up a free evaluation. We will get you results!!
Call or email now and we will get you booked for a free consult with a UPK9 dog trainer today.
UPK9 Head Office phone 1-877-405-DOGS (3647) email:
Chat Soon!!!
Do you have problems training your dog or dogs? Do you want help? No matter the size, sex, age or breed We Can Help!
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