Hey there, it’s Duke Ferguson owner, CEO, and master trainer at Unleashed Potential Canine Academy and creator of Dog Training Genesis; your online Bible for dog training, videos, and coaching.
I teach dog trainers and dog owners like you a system that will increase motivation, enhance attention, and strengthen your relationship so your dog will respond with heart and soul.
In this video, you’ll see clips taken from inside my Easy and Enjoyable Nail Trim Training Course to teach you why it’s important that you should keep up on your dog’s nail trimming. Below is a free PDF that gives you five steps that you can apply today to have easy nail trimming. All you need to do is enter your name and email and the PDF will be delivered to your inbox!
CLICK HERE for 5 Easy Steps for Successful Nail Trimming
Be sure to download it. It’s free!

“Duke, why is it important to trim dogs’ nails? It’s such a pain!”
If your dog is continually exposed to running and walking on hard surfaces like concrete or pavement their nails are often kept worn down. Usually, the front paws only need to be trimmed because the back nails get worn down as they push off on their hind legs.
If you really find doing your dog’s nails a pain, the best way to maintain them. This is to get outside and do lots of activities such as walks and runs on concrete or other rough, hard surfaces. But let’s face it, not all dogs get this type of exposure, right?
Because dogs are not as active in our homes we have to trim their nails on a regular basis.
Dog Nail Trimming: Why is it Important?
Here Are Some Reasons Why We Need to Trim Our Dog’s Nails.
- The simple fact that long nails are just ugly and annoying. Think about it, over time, that constant click, click, click noise, and the more dogs you own, the worse it is. It’s painful to listen to. Isn’t it?
- Prevention of damage to your property. Long nails can poke holes in the furniture, tear clothes, or scratch and wear down your floors.
- To prevent injury of people. Keeping your dog’s nails trimmed can actually prevent their long claws from injuring people when the dog wants to jump up.
- Long nails create pressure on the nail bed, and that causes pain. And if you leave it untreated it’ll actually injure or realign your dog’s posture and joints.
- Some behaviour problems such as aggression can stem from a dog in constant pain.
- Long nails can create an unhealthy posture when the dog is running or walking which will cause a lot of unnecessary pain.
- Overgrown nails can curve right around and grow into the pad…right into the foot which causes, what? pain! A dog in this state isn’t going to want to his nails trimmed or his paws touched and he will avoid it all costs. That struggle can create conflict between you and your dog.
- Long nails can actually split. They can crack and tear and create – pain. Nails that grow too long are at risk of catching on things and get torn off. That injury is painful and if serious enough it will also send you to the vet for a very expensive visit.

I’m excited that you are interested in how to trim your dog’s nails and I’m here to help you get the best success possible. All you’ve got to do is show up and do the work every day and you’ll be off and rolling!
Would you like FREE dog training advice? OR to just learn more about Duke’s philosophy on dog training? GET ACCESS HERE to his Exclusive, FREE Mini video series. This mini-series is not found on YouTube… Get Access Now… You will love the mini-series and it’s Free!
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