Vizsla Fetch Training – Teach ANY Puppy the Game of Fetch Using Food and Toys
This video will show you how to teach fetch using food and a toy with a vizsla puppy. If you’re looking for tips on how to easily train your puppy how to fetch and what you’ve been doing so far isn’t working, this video will show you a bunch of tips on how to successfully get your puppy to fetch! For puppy training tips, watch this video and set the stage for an awesome retrieve!
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- The reason I use food, in the beginning, is that not all puppies or dogs have the drive to play (prey drive) and therefore, we have to ignite that and channel it.
- When the dog’s mindset changes we can channel that play to toys in correlation with food.
- Socialize your puppy using food and touch.
- It’s easy to transition from food to a toy by throwing the toy and when as he’s coming back to you walk backwards, kneel down and reel him in like a fish and pay him with food.
- To get your puppy to let things go, don’t pull it from him, instead hold the item and make it ‘go dead’. As soon as he lets it go, you can play again. He learns, “by letting go, play happens.”
- Once your puppy or dog learns to fetch items you can then incorporate obedience fetch. This is where the dog must think and do something for the fetch game to happen.
- Obedience fetch works both the mind and the body.
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Full Transcript –
Vizsla Puppy Training | Teach Fetch Using Food and Toys
[The following is the full transcript of this YouTube video. Please note that this video, features Duke speaking extemporaneously–he is unscripted and unedited. Filmed in one take].
Hey there, it’s Duke Ferguson. How would you like your puppy to go out, grab something, and bring it back to you? If you want to learn how to do that…In this video, I’m going to teach you hands-on a little Vizsla puppy. Awesome little guy. I’m going to show you exactly how to get it done successfully with your dog. Be sure to watch the video the whole way through, because it’s jam-packed full of tips. In fact, grab a pen and a piece of paper. You’ll learn little things on socialization, how to get your puppy to let things go, how to get calm grips. And you’re going to see if you watch all the way through a mistake that I made you won’t see it. But I point it out at the end because I noticed it. And I want you to get the most out of this video, what you won’t do.
You’ll get to see that in the video because it’s really easy to not see. If you like this video help me help you click the notification, click the little light, thumbs up, all that cool stuff so that when a video drops, you’ll be the first to know. We have a little puppy. And despite all of the drills we can do, right, I’m going to actually, this guy has got drive. He’s got heart, he’s got everything I’d want to see, look at this. And come right in here too. So I have this desire, right? For food. And he’s got prey drive as well. He’s going to chase stuff and he wants to do things, but some dogs don’t. So in the very beginning, I want a dog to run away and come back. So I play a game.
All right. And the reason I use food first is because not all puppies are not all dogs have drive the drive to play or prey drive. And we have to kind of ignite that and channel it. Even if a dog has very little to no desire to play, we can use food in the beginning and start the play process. And as the dog’s mindset changes and the way they think and the way they feel about it, we can channel that play to toys in correlation with the food. So then all of a sudden with dating, we could call it or with these interactions in a good way, especially when it’s survival and when it’s all good things, but he learns to play. Now, what is play? Play is with toys. It’s interactive with us, but his type of play is wanting to bite and bite.
Even if a dog has very little to no desire to play, we can use food in the beginning and start the play process.
That’s a normal puppy. So one of the things I like to teach for the majority of dogs, especially with a hunting dog, I don’t want to play tug of war with a hunting dog, right? Fetch. I’m telling you to fetch. If you have a dog who has the desire to want to go and get it, I can have him run after the food, tell him to fetch. And he comes back to me and I’m already socializing him to come through here, he’s already standing. And Darren, you can do this as well for, with him, right? But if a dog is engaged with the food, he can’t bite you. So now I’m not getting bit. So this is all part of socialization. You’ve got a big, scary guy leaning over a dog. All right. He learns to do these things. He’s getting a ton of…break, and I can just throw it. Now,
where does this have to do with retrieval? He comes back, well, you need a dog to go away and you need a dog to come back. He’s learning to go after this. Let’s say, and you wouldn’t have to do this. If you had a dog with prey drive, I would start this with any dog. Um, regardless, but the dog that doesn’t like the toys, this is definitely your start. So you just throw it out. Okay. They have their marks established. What do they do when they want the food? They come back to you. So you’re already actually priming a recall. The dog comes. Simple. I’ve done nothing but talk. So, once I do the food and I know I don’t need to with him, okay, I’ll go with a little toy. Right? And I want to teach him to fetch something. So the first thing you need to do, right?
And especially, listen. If your dog is grabbing things for your attention and chasing you or getting you to chase them around, you know, and doing things, you’re already training them to do that. So I’m going to get his attention. He’s aroused. You see where he wants this and I’m going to throw it and I’m going to get the lead and I’m going to walk backwards and I’m going to kneel down and I’m going to reel him in like a little fish. Look at him. Hey, okay. Good job, buddy. Good job. And if he wants to hold on to that, come on, right in here. I’m letting him you can hold onto that little buddy. And then just calm. And then I just hold the toy and I wait, I let it go dead. I make it go dead. I just bring it in see. He wants to play on it.
Good. And then we’ll play again. As soon as he lets go. Okay, I’m going to start teasing them again a little bit. And I’m going to just throw it now. Why? I didn’t say fetch. Good boy. Hey, look at this right to me. Okay. That’s natural. Okay. I’m holding him there. And this is learning to go get something and bring it back to Duke. And, Oh my gosh. I get paid. If that guy had his treat pouch on and could feed me here. So he learns, especially if your dog likes it, I like to play to chase this. I like to pick it up and bring it back. That’s a God sent. If you have a dog like that, the thing is, what if they don’t you shape it the same way. So if your dog doesn’t like it, which he does, but for example, I throw it.
The puppy is learning to go get something and bring it back to Duke. And… oh my gosh. I get paid!
I know, he goes and he gets it. I have the leash and I’m going backwards because I want him to come and follow me or chase me. And I put my hand out already to get it from him. Right. Usually, it’s the left hand. And then I’m going to say what a good boy you are. Thank you. And I’m going to give them a piece of food. Do I have to give him the food? No, but it’s double reward probably more than double reward. Cause I tease him here. He’s aroused. He’s like, Hey, but this is a dog that likes to bite your pant legs and hump you and do things, which is a normal, strong little puppy. Okay. Fetch. Now, why did I say fetch? Because I know without reasonable doubt, that thought was going to go get it. Guaranteed. Good job, man.
And then I bring him in and I just let him hold it. I don’t take it right away. Good job. Way to go. Okay. And he lets it out on his own. He spits it out on his own. If I want them to have good grips. Fetch. I’ll build that. Him, I don’t care he’s soft grips. Just don’t let it go. So notice I’m pulling him in and he’s trying to go that way. That’s where I go the other way. Hey buddy. Hey buddy. Let’s go. And the reason why this works, obviously he has to come with me with the leash, but in the beginning, I threw food. He came back, I threw food. He came back. Now I throw good job, buddy. I throw this…little throw and he comes back. Right. He tries. And if he wants to run away and I’ll let that happen right now.
But I would say two fetches ago. Yeah. Is a good time to end this session. I’m a little bit long now. Cause he started going to go the other way. He was successful. Always end on success, where he wins and you win. You got what you wanted and when he wants one more fetch, stop it, only do one or two. I know I did a lot more for this, um, this video two or three fetches. And then when the dog says, yeah, I want one more. And then they got a lot of energy four fetches, five fetches. Now when you have a fetch game and they like it you’re burning off physical energy. The next thing I want you to do is to incorporate obedience training, which meaning thinking dog. Your terminology for obedience might be different than mine, but obedience training, meaning the dog says, I want the ball.
Now when you have a fetch game and they like it you’re burning off physical energy.
I want the retrieve, but I don’t want my dog senselessly, just running back and forth to become an athlete and still reactive. So I just wait and they do something. They sit, they lay down and they pay attention and I release them. “Break” and I give them a reward which you’ll see in other videos, but that’s called obedience fetch. The best thing you can do for your dog relationship burning off energy and everything. Hey, I hope you found this video of value. If you did, let me know your biggest takeaway down below. If you’d like to sign up for my free mini-course, there are six videos you can sign up for in the link down here. And if you’d like to learn more about obedience fetch kind of get the concept. I have a video right here and you can click that into that as well. So I hope that’s great. Thanks for watching. Make sure you subscribe, click the like and do all that cool stuff so that I can connect with you again. See you soon.