It has been a year since we finished Abby’s training with Duke. Before we started, one-year-old Abby was all over the place, romping through the house and pulling on the leash. We couldn’t walk her and she dug up the lawn. In a short time, with Duke’s help, all of our family (including girls aged 9 and 7) were able to walk her without a struggle. She learned what is expected of her and needs just “heel” to get back on track. It is an absolute pleasure to walk and jog with her. She is a beautiful dog with lots of love to give and I’m so proud of her. We can walk by barking dogs, people, traffic and noisy machinery, and if she turns her head toward the distraction all I have to say is heel and she is on track. Thanks, Duke! It took me a year to write this short note, but we haven’t forgotten how you helped us turn frustration into love for this great girl!
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