Today I was reading the newest installment of a publication the Canadian Association of Professional Pet Dog Trainers puts out regularly.
Pat Renshaw, the current chair of the organization has an article in the publication in which she talks about unity within the dog training industry.
It was very interesting to read about how the organization values all it’s dog trainers, regardless of the methods they use.
It’s no secret that there is hundreds of ways to train a dog, so to read that the organization supports the use of all methods including food training, leash training, e-collar training, I was happy to see that the strongest voice in Canadian dog training will fully back the use of e-collars when used properly with professional training. I choose to use many methods in dog training, and have personally trained with some of the best dog trainers in the world, from France, USA, Canada, Italy, and one thing that seems to continue to come up is that we all need to have an open mind in the training of dogs.
Pat Renshaw also touches on how Robin MacFarlane, (a strong supporter of e-collar use in the USA) was recently a presenter at the 2011 CAPPDT Conference in Toronto Ontario Canada.
I must say it’s nice to see some people open their minds to the use of alternative dog training tools in the industry, it’s almost as nice as the feeling I get when I show up in group class every week seeing 10-20 dogs off leash in a public park, most of whom previously had severe dog or human aggression or both.
If you would like more information on how I go about my dog training programs, please contact me personally and I would be more than happy to show you one on one in person.
Best regards.
Unleashed Potential Halifax.
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