Jacob and Marlee, foxhounds: Testimonial UPK9: PEI
A huge thank you to Duke and Lindsay of Unleashed Potential K9 PEI for giving us the tools we need to help Jacob and Marlee become all that they were meant to be. While their training will be ongoing they have come so far in only 3 sessions. Despite several people telling us that they would not make good companion dogs because of their high drive to follow a scent they are proving everyone wrong. The training we received has helped them to focus on us and the task at hand while they ignore their surroundings. This has saved, and will probably in the future, save their lives.
Without their help they were destined to be returned to where we got them from. Now there is no chance they will ever be anywhere but by our sides. They still have training ahead of them to fine tune a few things but they follow all the commands they’re given and have not “gone off on a hunt” once.
We have and will continue to recommend Unleashed Potential K9 Academy to anyone who is looking for some help with their dog. It has been worth every penny and every minute.
Thank you from the bottom of our hound hearts.
– “Jacob and Marlee” – Deb and Steve
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