Watch how Duke Ferguson demonstrates with Louisa, a little dogs trained humanely and happily using Remote Training Collar, The Unleashed Potential Way!
Meet Louisa!! A little dog. She is a small poodle mix. 7 months old and weighing less than 7 pounds!!
Here is a video that shows this cute little dog experiencing the electronic training collar for the first time ever!! Watch her response!!
Check this out!
Since Louisa is a young pup, she was previously trained with positive reinforcement only. She was off to a great start but her recall needed alot of improvement. Even if there was a little distraction or something she wanted more than the treat, she would not come when called. One day she decided to not come when called and ran off to the road…. We all know what happens to dogs on the road. Needless to say, this worried her owners enough to look for a way to correct this behaviour before Louisa got hurt. Her owners spoke with Duke.
This video proves all the hype about ” e collars” “shock collars” “remote training collars” being inhumane dead wrong! When used properly, they are a valuable training tool.
Does your dog not come when you call it? Do you want help? No matter the size, sex, age or breed We Can Help!
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