Puppy Testimonial for 9 month old Gatsby.
Hello Duke, I just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with Gatsby’s progress and your training. We are most fortunate to have you (KCK9 Academy) on Prince Edward Island and your wealth of knowledge..
Gatsby was about 9 months old when I purchased him. He was full of puppy energy and extremely strong. I would try to walk him with Bogart, who is in his 13th year. Gatsby would lunge at every dog we met on our walks, literally pulling me with him or he would run in front of me and trip me. If I let him off leash in the Park he would run away to play with other dogs and would only come to me at his convenience. Not to mention the portable phones and art books he chewed while he was given the run of my home when I went out. Now, he walks beside me, no more lunging or pulling me off my feet, and he is lavished with compliments “what a well behaved dog” every day by people we meet on our walks. He also plays off leash daily at the Park and comes the moment he is called even if he is engaged in a game with his buddies . He will go to “His Place” about 300 feet away from where he is given the command at the Park and sits until he is called, and no more chewing phones and books.. Thanks to your training.
I must confess, I had real reservations about using a “remote collar”, but when I saw how well trained my neighbors three dogs were and they had nothing but high praise for you and your training I was sold. Now, I realize how much easier, effective, and humane way it is to train a dog rather then the way I trained Bogart 12 years ago(before your company existed) using a choke collar/halty and lead. I am really surprised with how much Bogart is learning now from Gatsby. They are both males and get along beautifully.
I am very pleased with what we have accomplished over the past several months Duke and although we have lots to learn, I look forward to strengthening the bond with Gatsby through our training.
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