Dominant Oliver has been given a new leash on life. Read Tara’s testimonial
My Oliver is a very smart, energetic and affectionate dog. However, he was becoming increasingly dominant, destructive and aggressive. Most stories I heard about dog training were ones of disappointment and little results, therefore, I had little faith in dog trainers in general. I wanted a dog trainer who would give one on one training – giving my dog the attention he needed and the instructions I needed. When I called Duke I was impressed by his knowledge and very pleased with his reassurance and honesty. I was further impressed that his training is one on one. Our first meeting with Duke was interesting, Oliver not only peed on the floor twice, but also on Duke’s coat (Sorry Duke). By the end of our first session Oliver was sitting at my side contently. We had a few bumps along the way, but Oliver responded very well to the training and after only five weeks Oliver is now obedient, a pleasure to take for a walk, does not jump all over our guests and most importantly he understands my commands and is eager to please me.
Duke, I can’t thank you enough.
Sincerely Tara & Oliver
Do you have problems training your dog or dogs? Do you want help? No matter the size, sex, age or breed We Can Help!
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