Boxer Puppy Moxon Testimonial for UPK9 Puppy Management:
Joining puppy management with Unleashed Potential K9 Academy, was the best thing that we could have done for our Boxer puppy Moxon! He learned very quickly the basics with the guidance of Duke and Lindsay; and has built an amazing foundation for success as he grows into a full-grown Boxer! We learned how to communicate with him and leadership skills, how to use proper commands, how to kennel train him, which were the proper chew and play toys, and much, much more!
Not only does Duke teach you the basics to succeed, but weekly socialization is the best thing you could do for your puppy! Having the time to run around and play in a controlled environment with a room full of other puppies was fantastic, and very eye opening!
We also had the opportunity to work with Duke one-on-one to concentrate more on Moxon’s “pulling and tugging” on the leash when we walk him. This was extremely important as we are both active and want to run with him often! This extra service was extremely worthwhile, and there was improvement after a one hour session! He has absolutely exceeded our expectations, and I would recommend anyone with a new puppy to contact Duke Ferguson’s Unleashed Potential K9 Academy immediately – don’t wait another day!
– Allie Bowtle and Kevin Best and MOXON!
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