Here are a few words from a Puppy Management Graduate!
I am writing to provide a testimonial for UPK9’s Puppy classes which
are held weekly on Thursday evenings for puppies 8 – 20 weeks old. I
have been in the puppy class now for 7 weeks, and I look forward to
attending each week. My puppy, who is a small-breed dog, and by
nature, very sweet, has the usual puppy foibles (chewing, nipping,
pulling on the leash, etc). I have noticed a marked improvement since
the start of the classes. I would highly recommend this class to
anyone, whether your dog is a strong-willed larger-breed or a docile,
soft natured smaller breed. All dogs need socialization, and this
class is the perfect way to do it. The dogs are exposed not only to
other dogs, but to other people. And, the best part, the class is lots
of fun both for the dogs and their humans!
Do you have problems training your dog or dogs? Do you want help? No matter the size, sex, age or breed We Can Help!
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