Unleashed Potential Dog Trainer with Vet Tech Students at Eastern College in Halifax.
One of the things I love most about my career as a dog trainer with unleashed potential is that I have an opportunity to educate Veterinarians, Vet technicians, students, doggy daycare workers and pet store staff. Over the years I have learned a wealth of knowledge from some of the best dog trainers in North America, and I am more than happy to share that experience with those who want to learn more about dog training, aggression, rehabilitation and animal behavior.
Today I had the great privilege of doing a seminar for the students of Eastern college in Halifax, all of the students were Vet technician students. I have to say it was really fun watching light bulbs turn on as people listened, connected, asked questions and had a really good time. At the end of the seminar I brought one of my dogs up to the class room to show how our training methods work. Automatically the entire classroom fell in love with BB, it was a great way to bridge the gap between theory and practical.
I would like to thank Nadine at Eastern college for having me in, and inviting me back next year.
-Ted Efthymiadis
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