Puppy Training Classes UPK9 PEI:
In January we decided to expand our family with not one but two morkie puppies and knew we needed some help with training them. We wanted them to be well-mannered dogs who would be a joy to have in our home.
Unleashed Potential with Duke was the place we chose to enroll. Their ongoing classes suited us perfectly. We really hadn’t heard that much about them but gave it a try and quickly found out what a great decision it was. The first night in class the boys hid under a chair and were not very keen to participate. Each week they got a little better. By the end, they were both romping around and seeking out the other pups.
Unleashed Potential is very dedicated to teaching humans how to communicate with dogs. They equipped us with the skills to shape our dogs’ behaviour and always made themselves available to answer questions and give one on one advice. We are so glad we started to train right away, therefore avoiding many unwanted behaviours down the road.
Our experience at Unleashed Potential was a very positive one and I highly recommend them. It became a family outing each Thursday night. Our children were welcome and they learned right alongside us. It was fun and a very rewarding experience. Samson and Micah are much more social now and the change in them is quite something. As our pups grow we will continue to use the lessons we learned from Duke and Lindsay and remember fondly our time in puppy class.
– Rich and Stacey Meenink
Click HERE if you are interested in our puppy management classes
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