Hey Duke,
Brooks and I would just like to thank you for getting us back on the right path. I adopted Brooks this past summer from the Humane Society. When I adopted her she was an older dog so I thought she would be a great companion and being 2 years old she would be out of her puppy and bad stages. Little did I know… ( I’ve actually attached the letter that I sent to Duke at the bottom of this letter with what needed to be fixed). After a lot of angry walks and a lot of money spent replacing the things she either ate or chewed, enough was enough and I called Duke. I’m not going to lie I really believed he was not going to be able to do anything for us because she was been badly abused in the previous home she was in and had very bad separation anxiety, but I was desperate and gave him a call. The very next day Duke met with Brooks and I and it was time to start training. After 2 sessions alone there was a HUGE difference in Brooks. There was a time I couldn’t do anything with her because she’d either run away or I was too mad at her because of something she did that day. NOW, I don’t go anywhere with out her and you wouldn’t believe the difference in her. If it wasn’t for me working directly with her in the training I wouldn’t believe she was the same dog!! Thank you Duke for everything! We really don’t know what we would do with out you. Michelle & Brooks
Below is the first letter to Duke asking for help.
Hey Duke,
Thank you so much for coming and meeting with me and Brook’s yesterday… Of corse she was on her best behavior ha-ha i think she just knew… She really is a great dog and an amazing companion but things NEED to get better… She’s eating over 6 pairs of our shoes some leather haven’t been worn yet, the remote, the couch, a cell phone and then another one the other day which cost me $400 to replace it and that was the last straw… she is constantly getting into garbage and i just cant handle it any more… i’ve decided to come up with a list of things that i hope you can help “us” out with because i know there’s things i’ve got to be doing wrong as well for her to keep doing it over and over again. so heres my list:
Pulling on a leash – I walked her last night and the whole time it was pull pull pull nothing like when you took her or when i walked with her and you were there.
Chewing problems- as said shoes, cell phone, remotes, couches, blankets, hair straighteners, curling irons, forks and knives…. etc excessive chewer no matter how many or what toys I buy she always gets into things…
Destructive Behavior- Constantly getting into the garbage and ugh gross hahaha and tearing the couch and stuff like that
Separation anxiety? – The worst is when were not home is really when she gets into trouble i do have a kennel but i dont want to put her in it all the time when we leave I want her to be able to roam if she wants to I just want her to behave… she also feels like barking whenever we leave the house because she knows we’ll come back because I dont want complaints I’ll come back in and growl at her but she barks when we leave.
Soiling in the house – She has a tendency if we dont put her in her kennel of using the bathroom in the house… I cant count how many times I’ve taken her out shes peed and whatever then I’ll just run to the store and get back not even 10 minutes later and there is a mess on the floor….
Barking- Well as said when we leave the house or when we have a toy thats hers if we dont throw it when she wants she’ll just bark bark bark…. to the point I give in and do what she wants…
Jumping- she jumps on anyone who walks in the door and if we are walking her anyone that stops to pet her she’ll want to jump all over them…
Running away- I cant let her out without her leash or she’ll run away… same with walking I know your not suppose to but its nice to have the option. and as said theres a nice field I like taking her to but I dont want to be worried shes going to see something and take off after it…
Duke i really hope that you can help us out with this because I really dont want to get rid of Brooks but I’m going to have to if she doesn’t break her habits… I really want to be able to do things with her but right now I cant because she just doesn’t seem to want to behave and when I get home and see a brand new cell phone is chewed or new hair straighter or whatever it makes you mad and its like NO I’m not doing nothing with you hahaha and I dont want to do that and I understand I cant do that…. but I’m really happy we met with you and I just CANT wait for this to be fixed…
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