I called Duke from Ontario where I had been in some variation of clicker training with my dog Massi for a year. I had one month in PEI, which would be the deciding month for my husky cross, who was a rescue. A veterinarian had told me that the dog should have only been adopted to experienced dog owners. I felt experienced having had dogs my whole life. Now I had a 1-2 year old abused husky that was developing leash aggression and was still shy around strangers. I was not confident she could be rehabilitated into my lifestyle.
Duke answered my call promptly and to the delight of many, he actually listened to my plight, and understood that I was “clickered out”. He also understood my time constraints and adapted the program so that I could achieve my goals with Massi. Duke’s friendly chit chat, I realized in time, was actually his way of finding out what the dog (and I) had been up to between sessions…and he would call me on some of the things he felt I could do better.
Training dogs, and their owners, requires a high degree of organization and preparation as well as the ability to give clear and concise instructions. Able to adapt to constant changes in temperament of both Massi, and myself, while offering creative solutions to a variety of situations that the dog came into while on the island, Duke proved himself. He is a take-charge person and carries out his role confidently and with the ability to look at the big picture. I am grateful for all Duke accomplished over the course of a month. I would not hesitate to recommend Duke and Kings County K9 Academy (now UPK9), and do so with the knowledge that any task he is asked to do will be handled efficiently and with the individual dog and owner in mind.
Do you have problems training your dog or dogs? Do you want help? No matter the size, sex, age or breed We Can Help!
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