Testimonial from one of our newest Ultimate Obedience Clients
Dear Duke,
Paul and I wanted you to know how happy we are with the progress of our German Shepherd puppy, Ava, under your care, attention and training. We brought her to you only three short weeks ago. She was completely untrained, and I think we even described her to you as ‘wild’! She was close to four months old when we got her and we brought her to you two weeks later.
With only three weeks training of one night a week, she’s like a new puppy!!
Her behavior has improved one hundred fold and she’s a pleasure to have in our family now.
Thank you so much for your kind, caring but firm training method. We look forward to continuing to teach Ava to be a well mannered family pet and look forward to our weekly classes. We love her dearly and we’re so happy she’s learning to be a well mannered companion that’s lots of fun to have in our family.
Thanks again,
Rosie O’Malley-Keyes
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